The translation of Boem Paukeslag from paper to .ePub format, was the first project with an ereader and ebook for studio MEGAN. Paul van Ostaijen was one of the first visual poets, who used words and typography as images.
For this project all elements of the poem were analysed to research how van Ostaijen wanted to influence his readers. With the outcome that the translation showed all the shortcomings and opportunities of the ereader. To have the best translation, some elements of the poem had to go, others had to be added. For example the notion of the page no longer exists in the ebook and chapters were added to the ebook. All the used fonts are Open-Source, a reference to the lead- and woodcut letters used in the original poem. This project was the start of an ongoing research project of a relatively new medium: the ebook reader and the .ePub format.
This project was published in the Italian magazin Diid Disegno Industriale, 2013,
was mentioned in the lecture The Unbound Book, by Florian Cramer, 2011,
And is included in the Post Digital Publishing Archive of Silvio Lorusso www.p-dpa.net/boem-paukeslag.